Annual virtual exhibition of the group "Children and Teenagers draw with Nina Werzhbinskaja-Rabinowich", October 2020.
This time, because of the pandemic, the exhibition could not take place in the gallery on the Pawlatsche in the Institute for Slavonic Studies, University of Vienna. It was shown in the other gallery “Der Kunstraum” in the 5th district and recorded on video. The 104 paintings shown, belonging to participants between the ages of 9 and 17, and were drawn before, during and after the first lockdown. The title of the exhibition is “Kartiny is karantina”, in English “The pictures from the quarantine”.
Virtual visit at artist's workshop of Nina Werzhbinskaja-Rabinowich on 4.21.2020
Exhibition "Speak, Memory" at country house and museum "Rozhdestveno", Russia, 2014,1.7. - 30.9.2014