Personal Exhibitions (selection):
- „Haupt der Medusa: reloaded“, Malerei Nina Werzhbinskaja-Rabinowich
Vernissage: Donnerstag, 07.12.2023, 18:00 Uhr
ega: frauen im zentrum,
Windmühlgasse 26, 1060 Wien - „LEPORELLO“, Malerei Angelika Stumvoll and Nina Werzhbinskaja-Rabinowich
Vernissage: 13.10.2022, 18.30
Duration of the exhibition until 8.11.2022
Address: Gallery „derKunstraum“
Siebenbrunnengasse 5, 1050 Wien - "Apeirogon, part I" Silvia Steinek galerie , Vienna, Austria October 2020-January 2021
- The exibition „Hieronimus Bosch and other absurdities“, watercolors from Nina Werzhbinskaja- Rabinowich and design jewerly from Gerti Machacek, studio Gerti Machacek 17.11. - 19.11.2017
- Exibition „Painter = Model“, galery ega:women in center, Vienna, 2016
- Exhibition "Speak, Memory" at country house and museum "Rozhdestveno", Russia, 2014
- "NinaWR in oil", Kunstraum, Vienna, 2013
- Exibition "Points of View. NinaWR and Gabriele Matzner" in Burgerforum "Europa 2020", Vienna , 2012
- Exibition Imperial Furniture Collection, Vienna, 2012
- "Eternity", Study Center Hermitage, St. Petersburg, 2009
- "Pictures as traces", The Hall of Celebrations, Margareten district office of Vienna, 2007
- "Pictures as traces" Anna Akhmatova Museum, St. Petersburg, 2007
- "Of cats and humans", Castle Voesendorf, Austria, 2006
- "Royal Stories Illustrated", Imperial Furniture Collection, Vienna, 2005
- "Contemporaries" Margareten District Museum, Vienna, 2002
- "12 chairs" Raiffeisen Bank, Vienna, 2002
- The Spring Salon, Jewish Gallery, Berlin, 2001
- "Man and Landscape", Free Profession Insurance Society, Vienna, 2001
- "Facing the Mirror", Anna Akhmatova Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2000
- Vienna Institute of Cosmetics and Health, 1997-1998
- "Face-Image-Mask", The Accent Theater, Vienna, 1998
- Personal Exhibition, Hilton Hotel, Vienna, 1995
- "Leningrad-Vienna-Petersburg", Anna Akhmatova Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1995
- The Danube Festival, Portraits of Musicians of the Baroque Ensemble, Greine, 1982
Group Exhibitions (selection):
- „ Apeirogon, part I“, silvia steinek gallery, Vienna, October 2020-January 2021 https://www.galerie.steinek.at/past/
- “Traces and Masks of Flight“, State Gallerie Lower Austria, Krems, 12th September 2020 -26th September 2021
- "Layers", Gabriele Matzner, Angelika Stumvoll and Nina Werzhbinskaja-Rabinowich, Gallery "derkunstraum", Vienna, 2017
- "Scattered All Over The World", Jewish women artists hosted by Inselgalerie Berlin, 2011, catalogue
- "Children Create Art with Nina Werzhbiskaya-Rabinovich", Pavlachen Art Gallery in the University of Vienna, 2000-2019
- "The Grand Khalamash" Cultural Fest in Vienna, 1997
Art Group "The Spiral", Central City Hospital and The International Hotel, Vienna, 1997 - 12th and 13th International Biennale of Humor and Satire in Art, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, 1995, 1997
- The Week of Jewish Culture. Vienna, 1995
- The Second Free Art Exhibition of Vienna, Künstlerhaus (The Home for the Art), 1980
- Modern Non-conformist Art, Gallery "The Prism", Vienna, 1978